3116: When Memes Collide
When Memes Collide |
![]() Made by: Stigand |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
A meme is a unit of cultural information that follows Darwinian evolution; like genes, they must compete with each other in order to avoid extinction.
Usually memes only compete with each other in the metaphorical world of the mind, but here we see a rare example of one meme striking another directly from the timeline.
Original strips: 2001-11-28, 1982-10-28, 2009-10-19; original SRoMG strips: #724, #2956. Burned paper from https://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/freebies/6-free-high-resolution-textures-burnt-paper-edges Spoon Graphics], used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{Garfield walks into a room; his mind goes blank immediately}
Garfield: Now I know I walked into this room for a reason...
{Garfield pulls out a sheet of paper}
Garfield: Because I wrote it down!
{Garfield faces the camera}
Garfield: And THAT'S how you outsmart old age!
{Meanwhile, in another timeline:}
Garfield: I must kill something!
{The two timelines collide; the first timeline is burned away, replaced by a new timeline:}
Tombstone: GARFIELD R.I.P. 6-19-78 6-19-16
{In the second timeline:}
Garfield: Whew! I feel much better!
Jon: Have they stopped making frozen pudding pops?
Garfield: Define "stopped".