3121: Garfield's First Diet

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Garfield's First Diet
Made by: Muchacho1994

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strips: 1978-06-22, 2014-09-14, 2017-06-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield is showing Squeak some pictures from a photo album}
Garfield: Here's another old picture of me.
{Squeak looks on, intrigued}
Garfield: It was taken the first time Jon put me on a diet.
{Close-up of the photo in question, showing Jon giving an irritated look to the camera, and Garfield with giant, puffed-up cheeks}
Squeak: Why is your face so lumpy?
Garfield: I'm storing a steak in my cheeks.