3171: The Sinister Mind Of Garfield Arbuckle

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The Sinister Mind Of Garfield Arbuckle
Made by: PartyEscortBotBeans

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip paints a potential take on a potential theory about Lyman's disappearance as put forward by Jim Davis himself, duly mentioned in the author's notes; here, Jon ends up discovering Lyman's corpse in the basement, in line with one of Jim's theories. The strip's title, author's notes, and even the final panel of the strip itself imply that Garfield was the one to have killed Lyman; Garfield facepalming himself upon Jon finding Lyman's corpse is the part of the strip itself hinting toward Garfield being the killer.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Jim Davis said on the subject of Lyman "Don't look in Jon's basement". But who said Jon was the killer?

Original strip: 1988-11-06.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Garfield, I've always wondered, do you know where Lyman has gone?
Garfield: I have no idea
Jon: Oh well. I'm gonna clean out the basement today
Garfield: I wouldn't do that if I were you