3178: Genuinely Jealous Garfield

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Genuinely Jealous Garfield
Made by: Jacob Huller

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

As soon as I saw that punchline, I knew this strip was SRoMG material. First of all, Jon, gross. He's your cat, dude. Second, Garfield probably isn't mad because of some unrequited attraction to Jon, but more because of the principle of the thing. He DID kiss him like that over 30 years ago, and Garfield has every reason to be upset that Jon forgot, even if it was just for a joke back then.

Original strips: 1980-10-04, 2017-09-29.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Good night, Liz
SFX: *smooch*
Jon: Why didn't you ever kiss me like that, Garfield?
Garfield: BUT I DID!
{Flashback of Jon and Garfield kissing}
Garfield {narrating}: Don't you remember that wonderful evening in 1980?