3232: It's time for some game theory

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It's time for some game theory
Made by: Fastpager200

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author opted to not count every single question mark used in the strip proper when creating the transcript; the second panel used twenty-eight question marks, and thus the line would've been rendered "Game Theory: Pope Sans Ness Killed Pudding Pops????????????????????????????" had the author opted to render every single question mark.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I hate the Game Theory meme with every fiber of my being. The entire joke is just "GAME THEORY SANS NESS POPE" and that's it. That's the "joke". A guy made a theory video a year ago. That is the entire source of the humor for this meme. Have I mentioned this meme is the worst thing ever and I hate it?

Original strip: 2010-04-22.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon is at the computer, typing}
Text on computer: Today, they stopped making frozen pudding pops.
Text on computer: Game Theory: Pope Sans Ness Killed Pudding Pops??????????*
Jon {facing Garfield}: My blog is getting edgier!
{*I am not going to count all of those question marks.}