3334: Let's Playfield: Swarm of Chickens

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Let's Playfield: Swarm of Chickens
Made by: Nyperold

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Garfield, as a wild cat, starts to stalk the environs in search of prey. He attacks the helpless chicken, by leaping at it, however, he ended up being mangled by a big, big only semi-helpless chicken.

Here, the chicken has been replaced by a Cucco from The Legend of Zelda series. The Cucco is not related to the real cuckoo and are based on the normal cockerel. "Cucco" is simply a word deformation of cockerel and the Hylian word for chicken. If Link attacks a Cucco multiple times, the Cucco will become enraged and starts crowing very loudly to call its flock, and together they attack him by flying down from various directions and pecking him to death.

The author's note says that Garfield hurt the chicken multiple times, and now it summoned a massive chicken army, which is a swarm of chickens.

A Let's Play (henceforth "LP") is a style of video series documenting the playthrough of a video game, usually including commentary by the gamer. The specific LP being referenced is by the Freelance Astronauts, with Maxwell Adams playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Master Quest, a variation of the game with harder enemy placement, different puzzles, and a few other surprises. The part of the LP being referenced is the part where Link is an adult, getting Epona from Lon Lon Ranch. Inigo had lost Epona in a bet, and decided to give Link the horse, but shut him in to prevent the horse from actually being able to leave. In retaliation, Maxwell tramples his Cuccos, angering them. The author's note is a slight alteration to the description Maxwell gives for what just happened. The second part of the title is from very shortly after, in which Ferr imagines a scenario in which farmers are tending their fields, and the sky begins to turn black, and they look up, and drop their tools and run away as a swarm of chickens descends upon the village.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

He hurt the chicken too much, so it summoned a massive chicken army.

Original strip: 1980-06-11.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: The wild cat stalks the environs in search of prey.
Garfield: He attacks a helpless Cucco.
{Garfield leaps at the Cucco... and is mangled}
Garfield: A big, big, only semi-helpless Cucco.