3342: ¡Garfield Manos Garfield!

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The strip this page is about has had its title subject to mojibake errors. These errors are currently being replicated, as the strip's intended title, and by extension this article's as well, is currently unknown due to the mojibake.

3342: ¡Garfield Manos Garfield!
Made by: Cdudeiscool

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The original Garfield strip has a Spanish version of this comic.

Here, they've been mashed up, and Garfield's been replaced by a hand.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 2001-11-28 (and in Spanish).

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon {reading newspaper while Garfield sits nearby}: El mundo siempre està cambiando
{Garfield turns into a hand}
Garfield {reappearing}: No han dejado de hacer budines helados, ¿no?

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This strip's title and transcript were hit with mojibake errors in a later site recoding effort. The original transcript unaffected by mojibake has been preserved on this very wiki as this article existed prior to the recoding effort; however, the original title unaffected by mojibake is currently lost to the public due to the recoding effort and this very article's title initially not including any of the punctuation from the strip's actual title and no correction effort being attempted until after the recoding effort had corrupted the title.