3372: Feeding the Cat

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Feeding the Cat
Made by: SonicLover

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original Garfield strip, Garfield, sitting on a dresser, licks his lips as he looks at a ham on a table. Garfield tried to reach for the ham, but ends up hanging awkwardly between the dresser and the table.

In this strip, there are four options that Garfield can choose like Reach, Bridge, Stunt Mouse, and Teleporter, all with appropriate icons.

There was a FAIL screen popping up on the last panel and the caption that said "Who do you think you were, Kitty D. Luffy?" which was a reference to Monkey D. Luffy. There was four buttons like Retry, Step Back, Return to Start, and Menu.

The author's note has a Rule 34G that says "If it exists, no matter how obscure or ill-fitting it is, a Square Root of Minus Garfield comic will reference it". He checked Bloons, Spy vs. Spy, Wander over Yonder, Blue's Clues, with comics, but not Schoolhouse Rock because that one was stuck in the backlog, but he'll tell you to wait a few months to see it. Rule 34G itself is a reference to Rule 34, which implies the same broad scope toward Internet pornography.

Today's reference is a series to a Choose Your Own Adventure-style Flash Games by Stickpage, known as either "Xing the Y" series, or Henry Stickmin series, depending on who you might ask. There's a TV Tropes topic about it [1].

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield, sitting on a dresser, licks his lips as he looks at a ham sitting on a table}
{A menu pops up with four options: Reach, Bridge, Stunt Mouse, and Teleporter, all with appropriate icons}
{Having apparently picked Reach, Garfield reaches for the ham}
{Garfield ends up hanging awkwardly between the dresser and the table}
Garfield: Garfield, you dummy.
{A FAIL screen pops up}
Message: Who did you think you were, Kitty D. Luffy?
Buttons: Retry / Step Back / Return to Start / Menu

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Rule 34G: if it exists, no matter how obscure or ill-fitting it is, a Square Root of Minus Garfield comic will reference it. Bloons? Check. Spy vs. Spy? Check. Wander Over Yonder? Check. Rhythm Heaven? Check. Blue's Clues? Check. Schoolhouse Rock? That one's still stuck in the backlog, but wait a few months and you'll see it for sure.

Today's reference is to a series of CYOA-style Flash games by Stickpage, known either as the "Xing the Y" series or as the Henry Stickmin series, depending on who you ask. Read about it on TV Tropes.

Original strip: 1978-06-27, with one asset taken from 2008-03-01.