3402: 语言学与丽兹:中文

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语言学与丽兹: 中文
Made by: Reisen U. Inaba

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In both strips, Liz is speaking Chinese and Faux Chinese that Jon will never understand.

The author was the first one who used the original author's template. There was also Liz speaking in Faux Chinese in this template.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Liz: Jon?
Jon: Yes?
Liz: 你是一个萝卜。
Jon: I'll never understand Chinese
Garfield: I think she just called you a radish

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I'm glad to be the first one who use this meme (if we don't count Redgreen).

And here's the 斤闩凵乂 匚升工门巨丂巨 version:

3402 1.png

Original strip: 2017-11-17.