342: Good ol' Garfield Brown

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Good ol' Garfield Brown
Made by: DanielBT

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The original randomized strip had the same first and second panels, but a third panel in which Garfield was merely sleeping. The author swapped it out for one that continues the Peanuts theme -- pretending that the "Mrs. Brown" is Charlie Brown's mother -- with one where Garfield looks into a mirror and sees Snoopy staring back.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is actually inspired by this randomised remix strip, with one significant change in the last panel.

Strips: 1999-09-24, 2000-02-03, 1988-11-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: We have movement!
Garfield: I wonder if Charlie Brown could use a cat.
Jon: That was Mrs. Brown on the phone.
{Garfield looks in a mirror and sees Snoopy as his reflection.}