3495: Garfield with a Real Scam

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Garfield with a Real Scam
Made by: Simon Winters

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip essentially mashes an advance-fee scam into a telling of a fairy tale film Garfield is watching. The most famous form of advance-fee scam is the "Nigerian prince scam", also known as the "419 scam" after the relevant section of the Nigerian criminal code. Within the scope of the story Garfield is watching, we are led to believe that a Nigerian prince was turned into a frog and seeks a princess's banking information in order to get the funds to have his frog curse lifted.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 2018-08-16.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Television: I may look look a frog, but I'm really an enchanted prince
Garfield: He probably wants a kiss from the princess
Television: Rebels have cursed me and I am unable to use my vast wealth to have it lifted. If you will allow me to transfer the funds to your bank account I would gladly give you 7% of it as a reward. All I need is your banking information
Garfield: Didn't see that coming