3511: A Nickel's Worth Of Free Advice

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A Nickel's Worth Of Free Advice
Made by: Crazy56U

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This was originally a much more... aggressive strip (you don't want to know the full context, trust me), but I liked the second and third panels too much to let them get abandoned, so I reworked it (and, obviously, added a fourth panel) to make something that's less of an attack, and more of a spotlight of sad irony.

Also, you can choose to determine if the last panel is from 2053 or not; I left it vague how far into the future the strip ended in.

Original strips: 1983-04-25, 2013-01-17.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield is reading a letter}
Letter: Quit while you still can. Your comic is only going to get worse from here. You still have a chance. -a friend
Garfield: Dude... calm down.
{Garfield drops the letter and walks away}
Garfield: You can't stop progress. Just accept it.
Caption: Meanwhile, in the future...
{Garfield is sitting next to a FutureFax machine ("Fling a message into yesterday in a snap!"), after having used it}
Garfield: I tried to warn him...

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This strip is the last strip known to have been published prior to the implementation of the current crediting system for original Garfield strips, and as such lists the original strip credits twice on the Square Root of Minus Garfield strip itself--once within brackets on the second-to-last line (the old coding), and once without brackets on the last line (the current coding); the credits within the old coding contain busted links to the busted "images.ucomics.com" domain, whereas the current coding currently leads directly to GoComics and can be updated should the crediting source change. To reduce redundancy, "the author writes" sections of articles on this very wiki only include one set of original strips credits.