3624: Garfield, left to right, top to bottom

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Garfield, left to right, top to bottom
Made by: Destructible Watermelon

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I have not scrambled the text randomly; the original dialogue is intact if you read left to right, top to bottom. (Although it's not all perfectly in line; "choke" is lower than "some toast".)

I like the line "I'm worried boy".

Original strip: 1985-12-20.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon holds an egg and a wooden spoon, the spoon is in a mixing bowl}
Jon: Garfield, do you want your while you're at
Garfield: choke
Garfield: Eggs it, squeeze some toast! I'm worried boy
Garfield: Beaten? The orange and mangle about that
Jon: Yeah and juice then bacon!