367: ASCIIfield

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Made by: Ick

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip was inspired by #224; however, instead of a hexadecimal representation of the data that, if opened as the right file type by the right program, would yield a picture of one strip, this strip attempts to draw a different strip in very simple ASCII art.

ASCII is a character encoding standard that tells programs to display a certain typing character when given certain data. While this is typically done in the service of text-based information, ASCII art attempts to present us with pictures using the more limited forms provided by ASCII characters.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is a bad (hand-made) ASCII art version of 2002-04-18. I got the idea from strip number 224. I chose the date because it was the date of my first kiss (with a girl I no longer like). Bittersweet memories.

Original strip: 2002-04-18.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Let's make a list of your faults, Garfield.
Jon: Fat, lazy, selfish...
Garfield: And...
Jon: And let's not forget disrespectful.
Garfield: My personal favorite.