371: Entertainment System

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Entertainment System
Made by: tymime

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original 2003 strip, the "mega-home entertainment theatre" was worthy of the name; here, it's been replaced with the old TV from the 1989 strip, plugged into the outlet from the 1997 strip which originally powered a Christmas tree. Gone also is the full-capacity surge protector, itself having been originally plugged into a 4-outlet box.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strips: 1989-12-03, 1997-12-14, 2003-01-05.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: At last!
Jon: Here it is, Garfield!
Jon: Our new mega-home entertainment theatre. {It's a tiny old fashioned TV set.}
Jon: We have digital high-definition, wide-screen, CD, VHS, DVD, CD-ROM, surround sound...
Jon: ... and then there's the best part...
Jon: Five, count 'em, five remotes!
Garfield: We can share!