3712: 2(√-Garfield): Tubafield Salad

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The strip this page is about has had its title subject to mojibake errors. These errors are currently being replicated, as the strip's intended title, and by extension this article's as well, is currently unknown due to the mojibake.

2(√-Garfield): Tubafield Salad
Made by: Firephantom105

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

My comics will mostly just be a combination of two other Square Root of Minus Garfield comics, usually ones that are next to each other in the archives.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strips: 2018-09-20, 2018-09-21.

Original strips: 1980-05-20, 2009-08-20, 2011-01-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon is walking and looks behind him and sees a brown piano}
{Jon's head suddenly turns into Garfield playing a tuba}
Jon {screaming at the piano}: WHO WANTS A SALAD?
{Garfield pops out of the piano, also playing a tuba}
Garfield: Maybe

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This strip's title was hit by mojibake errors in a later site recoding effort; the original title is currently lost to the public due to this.