3722: lazygarfield
lazygarfield |
Made by: monterrang |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This strip takes the concept of laziness as told in the original Garfield strip (although perhaps better told via the later 3849: Laziness IS contagious) and exaggerates the core setup of the strip. The narrative of this strip is Garfield calling out to Jim Davis in vain over the strip's setup, only to imply that Jim had somehow died at his work station pressing a copy-paste button.
Although this strip was not meant to be a serious take on the subject, comic artists dying at their work stations is, in fact, truth in television; Johnny Hart of B.C. and The Wizard of Id fame, for example, was reported to have actually died at his work station.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
my little comment: the original strip was trying to break the 4th wall with the laziness, not as if Garfield went this route for decades ololol
seriously what... -_-'
Original strip: 2018-05-05.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Garfield: Laziness is conatagious
Garfield: Right Jim?
Garfield: Jim?
Garfield: JIM?
Garfield: Are you OK Jim?
Garfield: You aren't sleeping on the copy-paste button aren't you?
Garfield {realizing his speech bubble looked off}: YOU DIDN'T EVEN RESIZE THE BUBBLE!
Garfield {hypocritically}: This is pure laziness..
Garfield: Are you OK Jim?
Garfield: Plz tell me you're ok!
Garfield: Jim where are you?
{beats panels of Garfield calling his true master}
Garfield: JIM I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!!!
{ad libidum Garfield calling for jim davis in vain...}