373: Bored Garfield: 2

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Bored Garfield: 2
Made by: timothymh

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Originally, Jon said the dialogue in the last panel of the edit to Garfield, but in the middle panel of the original. Here, Garfield says it -- notably, instead of thinking it -- in the final panel. In the first panel, he has his eyes from the middle panel.

Now it seems like Garfield plans to brush his teeth with two different toothpastes, instead of Jon having that plan and Garfield not wanting to know about it.

The author writes[edit | edit source]

I removed Jon and rearranged things to completely change the meaning of the strip.

Original strip: 2010-04-03.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: I miss out on a lot of things.
Garfield: But not nearly enough things.
Garfield: I'm going to brush my upper teeth with one toothpaste, and my lower teeth with another toothpaste.