3741: Garf-2-Nuts

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Made by: brntbcn

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip is essentially a mashup of the credited Garfield and Peanuts strips, the Garfield strip having been converted to black-and-white to match the Peanuts material (a colorized version of the Peanuts strip, which first ran colorized on 2015-10-26 in the Peanuts Begins feature, existed at the time this strip first ran, but without knowing when this strip was first submitted, it is unknown if that was true at the time this strip was first made and submitted); it takes the opening gag from the original Garfield strip and essentially turns it into a setup for the Peanuts strip.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Would this necessarily count as a Garfield Plagiarises Peanuts entry? Anyhow, seeing the original Garfield strip, I immediately thought of this. I am very satisfied with the result. Also, black and white.

Original Peanuts strip: 1951-07-26.

Original strip: 2010-02-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield walks to a blank wall. A pencil can be seen on his head}
{Garfield is now drawing something}
{The drawing has turned out to be Charlie Brown}
{The camera pans slightly to the left to reveal Charlie Brown, who is understandably upset at the drawing}
Charlie Brown: That's not me at all!