3784: A Kick of Caffeine

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A Kick of Caffeine
Made by: Crazy56U

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Coffee is horrible.

The More You Know

Original strips: 1985-08-13, 1989-01-25, 1991-01-15.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon watches casually as Garfield slams down a cup of coffee}
{Garfield suddenly begins to SPEEN, much to Garfield's shock and Jon's disinterest}
Garfield: WHOAH!
{Jon still doesn't care; Garfield is surprisingly calm for someone who abruptly went into a cartwheel at Mach 5}
Jon: How's the coffee?
Garfield {glances into cup}: Hmm... too much topspin