3814: We Will Garf You

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We Will Garf You
Made by: twinec

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This popped into my head after reading the last panel of the base comic a few times.

Original strips: 1978-10-21, 1979-01-09, 1982-01-03, 1983-11-19, 1987-09-21, 1989-05-23, 1996-09-15, 2008-12-15, 2010-04-25, 2011-07-29, 2011-11-26, 2013-03-27, 2014-08-16, 2014-10-15, 2015-10-11, 2017-05-06, 2018-01-02, 2018-11-08, 2018-11-23, 2018-12-16, 2019-03-27, 2019-07-14.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{2 spiders flank the sides of Garfield}
Spider 2: Don't move! We've got you surrounded!
Garfield {brandishing 2 newspapers}: Oh yeah?
{another spider appears above Garfield's head}
Garfield: Yeaaaaah
SFX: smack smack clap, smack smack clap, smack smack clap. smack smack clap
Jon: Buddy
Garfield: You're a
Jon: Boy
Garfield {wearing a sweater for some reason}: Making
Jon: Big
Garfield: Noise
Jon: playing
Garfield: in the
Jon {shirt is torn up}: street
Caption: Gonna
Garfield: Be a
Jon: Big
Garfield: Man someday,
Caption: you've
Garfield: Got mud
Caption: On
TV: Your
Jon: Face,
TV: You
Jon: Big
Caption: Disgrace, waving
TV: Your
Garfield {freaking out about some ants on a candy bar}: can
Caption: All
Garfield: over the
Squeak: Place