3837: Dekovorpnu

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Made by: Wibi

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, Jon made the declaration found in this strip's second panel before asking Garfield for his opinion. (This is a case where Jon provably does not hear Garfield's snark.) Garfield proceeded to make annoying alterations to Jon's outfit until Jon decided to throw Garfield through a window.

Edits of this strip often had Jon react earlier, such as when Garfield thought "That outfit's hysterical." Then came the mentioned #3015, in which Jon threw Garfield through the window without Garfield even having gotten any mockery out.

And so, this edit sends Garfield through the window in the other direction; as it hasn't been broken yet in the first panel, it's seen to be intact. Shards fly into the room, and Garfield lands in a seated position, not seeming to have registered that he's been flung through a window.

The title is "Unprovoked" spelled backwards.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Once SRoMG #3015: Unprovoked was published, three forumers confessed that they had submitted very similar takes on the same comic. I had a take on it I thought was brilliant - the comic you see now - but decided I'd hold off on submitting it until I was sure it wouldn't be stuck in the slush pile with the other edits of this strip.

Then, for the longest time, I forgot to actually submit it.

This comic will be two years old soon enough.

Original strip: 1981-03-29.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield crashes through Jon's window...}
{...sending a few glass shards his way}
Jon: I'm going out, Garfield. The women will be hysterical over me