3842: Dogged Enthusiasm

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Dogged Enthusiasm
Made by: Simon Winters

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original March 31st strip, Garfield wanted to owe Odie an apology as he pushed him off the table, and as he walked off, Garfield owed him too. In the original May 13th strip, Garfield was sleeping like various artists.

In this edit, Garfield walked up to Odie and pushed him off table four times, making him smaller in the process of doing that. Alongside that, Garfield sleeps while pushing Odie off table.

After Garfield pushed smaller Odie off of the table, he then tells the viewer that he's interested to see how this experiment of his ends.

Dogged enthusiasm combines in two words that describe someone who is determined and persistent in their pursuit of doing something, even when it's difficult or takes a long time.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strips: 1998-03-31, 2001-05-13.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

(Garfield walks up to Odie}
{Garfield pushes Odie off table}
{Garfield sleeps}
(Garfield walks up to a smaller Odie}
{Garfield pushes Odie off table}
{Garfield sleeps}
(Garfield walks up to even smaller Odie}
{Garfield pushes Odie off table}
{Garfield sleeps}
(Garfield walks up to even more smaller Odie}
{Garfield pushes Odie off table}
Garfield: I'm interested to see how this ends