3845: All Eyez Jon Me

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All Eyez Jon Me
Made by: Manyhills

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The base comic comes from the February 2018 strip; the question there was what to do if you're angry at your mailman. The question in this edit comes from the July 2018 strip; there, Odie had no idea, leaving Garfield to relay this lack of knowledge. Odie's apparent answer -- followed by a wink from the 2011 strip -- seems to suggest that beef by-products are actually made of Lesane Parish "Tupac Amaru Shakur" Crooks. The author's note relates what they think might be the general consensus of what his murder was not related to.

The title makes a pun, using Jon's name to replace the word "on" in the name of one of his albums, "All Eyez on Me".

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

My admittedly ignorant reading of the consensus is that the unsolved murder of American rapper Tupac Shakur is thought to be probably unrelated to the high-profile coastal rivalry then-ongoing in the hip-hop industry. But maybe Odie knows something we don't.

Original strips: 2011-03-03, 2018-02-07, 2018-07-11.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield {reading}: "Dear Ask a Dog,"...
Garfield {reading}: "What exactly is a beef by-product?"
Odie: Arf arf arf
Garfield: Tupac's murder
{Odie winks}