3870: Bad 2 Santa

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Bad 2 Santa
Made by: Nyperold

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip's Garfield's plans for Santa are a complete reversal of his plans in the original strip. The original Garfield planned to turn the outside Christmas lights on so Santa could see their roof; this Garfield plans to turn them off to make it harder. The original Garfield planned to leave out a snack of cookies and milk for him; this Garfield plans to leave out one of the hottest kinds of pepper. The original planned to grease the chimney to make it easier to slide down; this one plans to glue the chimney and get him stuck.

The title is a play on Bad Santa 2.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 1992-12-13.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: Santa should have trouble at our house tomorrow night!
Garfield: I'll turn off the outside Christmas lights so he can't see our roof... I'll leave out ghost peppers in case he's hungry... and... oh, yeah.
Garfield: I'll glue the chimney.