4027: The Origarfield King
The Origarfield King |
![]() Made by: Colin |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This strip is a jab at the quality of the Super Mario series, and in particular the Paper Mario branch of RPGs, in recent years; as such, it takes a strip that was originally about an old couple talking about a cat named Bowser comparing him to Garfield, replaces Garfield with Mario as seen in the Paper Mario series, and rewords the dialogue to refer to Mario's nemesis Bowser. The author's notes make mention of another branch of the Super Mario series, the Mario Kart line of racing games, and uses it to punctuate the strip's storyline.
The strip's title is a play on the subtitle on the then-upcoming Paper Mario: The Origami King, which would be released eleven days short of two months after this strip; the strip itself was fast-tracked through the strip queue, debuting only two weeks after the game was announced on May 14, 2020. Nintendo's original plans for the game's announcement would not have resulted in this strip debuting when it did with the title it did; had the COVID-19 pandemic not resulted in E3 2020, scheduled for June 9-11, 2020 (the end date being two weeks after this strip debuted), being cancelled, the game would have been announced there and not in an online showcase a month earlier, thus this strip would have either debuted later or titled differently (if it were even made at all) had E3 2020 been able to go ahead as originally planned.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
After Bowser's tragic death in a horrific kart accident, the Mario series went downhill.
Original strip: 1994-05-22.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{An elderly couple approaches Mario, who is laying on the ground}
Man: Look at that plumber
Woman: Too bad old Bowser isn't here
Man: He was a good Koopa
Woman: Old Bowser would have made a red and blue hat out of him
Man: Old Bowser would have made a Mario taco with him
{The old couple depart}
Woman: Yep, too bad old Bowser isn't here
Man: He was a good Koopa
Mario {thinking}: I hope they-a buried him deep