409: Remote

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Made by: DanielBT

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The first two panels are from the 2001 strip, where Garfield would remark that lethargy expands your horizons. The final panel is from the 2004 strip, in which the show Garfield is watching speculates that it might be the greatest in the history of television.

Mashed together, it seems like Garfield thinks that the Norwegian flowerpot documentary is no match for his broken remote.

The author writes[edit | edit source]

Another single panel changed Garfield. The result is rather nonsensical, but I like it nonetheless.

Original strips: 2001-02-03, 2004-03-30.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Garfield: The remote is broken.
SFX: click click
Garfield: And I'm watching "The History of Norwegian Flowerpots".
Garfield: But it's still no match for my might remote!
SFX: click