4164: Garfenestrated Into Another Dimension

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Garfenestrated Into Another Dimension
Made by: TheCleanerDragon

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Cat is thrown out a window and into another dimension by his abusive owner. He proves himself to his new owner by saving him from his bad fashion. Airs on the Hallmark Channel 8pm Sunday.

Original strips: 1981-03-29.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: I'm going out, Garfield. The women will be hysterical over me
Garfield: That outfit's hysterical
Jon: What do you think about my attire?
Garfield: It could use some alteration
Garfield: Let's tuck that tie in and add some vents to the sleeves
{Garfield shreds some holes in Jon's sleeves and stuffs Jon's tie in his mouth}
Garfield: A smart cat knows just how far to go without crossing over the line
Garfield: Perhaps a more rakish tilt to the hat
{Garfield pulls down on Jon's hat, covering his eyes}
{Jon throws Garfield out of a closed window, and into an already broken window}
Jon: I'm going out, Garfield. The women will be hysterical over me
Garfield: That outfit's hysterical
Jon: What do you think about my attire?
Garfield: It could use some alteration
Garfield: Perhaps a less rakish tilt to the hat
{Garfield pulls up on Jon's hat, revealing his eyes}
Garfield: A smart cat knows just how far to go without crossing over the line
Garfield: Let's untuck that tie and remove those vents from the sleeves
{Garfield takes Jon's tie out of his mouth and fixes the holes in Jon's sleeves}
{Lyman, Odie, Garfield, and Jon are all standing together, Jon is pleased with the modifications Garfield has made}

Trivia[edit | edit source]

The non-existent date 0000-00-00 was initially credited in error in addition to the actual date credits; the erroneous credit has since been removed.