424: Garfield Minus G,a,r,f,i,e,l,d

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Garfield Minus G,a,r,f,i,e,l,d
Made by: DanielBT

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Literally? More like literarily! The idea is simple enough, and explained in the author's notes, but of note:

  • In addition to Garfield's own name, "did", "all", and "I" have been wiped out completely.
  • "How", "you", "so", "not", "just", and "know" remained unscathed.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This strip takes the premise of the concept literally, by removing the eight letters out of the comic entirely. As a result, it's now drawn by Jm Vs and licensed by Pws nc. hts sv.

Original strip: 1987-04-22.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: How you t to b so zy, ?
Garfield: B ns, h wo k, t n c ty n c t on. You' not just bo n zy, you know. t's n cqu sk ...
Jon: 'm so y sk .
Garfield: ... n t fo m, f you w , not un k po t y, nc o mus c.