427: Clive

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Made by: Nottoostupid

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In this strip, Clive is a real, albeit invisible cat who lives with an invisible owner. In this world, a visible friend -- Garfield, in this case -- is apparently as implausible as an invisible friend is in our world; here, as in the original strip, the believed-imaginary being burps. Whether or not this is proof enough for the invisible accuser is unknown.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

This is some sort of alternate universe where Clive lives with his own owner, presuming Clive is a cat like Garfield.

Original strip: 2003-07-16.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Clive is invisible}
Clive: I swear I didn't eat your hamburger!
Clive: It was... Garfield!
Invisible accuser: Do you really expect me to believe that "visible friend" stuff?!
Garfield: Burp.