4459: The Dead Future 2: Dead Harder

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The Dead Future 2: Dead Harder
Made by: Lubaf

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

As soon as I saw SRoMG #2788, I knew what I had to do: the SRoMG version of #470.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strips: 2010-09-01, 2015-09-01.

Original strips: 2000-07-24, 2000-07-25, 2003-11-25.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: What if we could see into the future, Garfield?
Jon: Even just five years into the future... What would we see?
{Garfield grins, and is surrounded by a whole bunch of creepy grinning people}