4486: Let the EATS Control Your Body
Let the EATS Control Your Body |
![]() Made by: David Oxford |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This edit of the first Garfield strip replaces Jon's head with that of Nathen Mazri, one of the two founders of GarfieldEats. The text identifying him is appropriately changed, with "cartoonist" being replaced with "entrepreneur". "Feed" and "entertain" are also swapped from the original.
A second version is provided that replaces the original's "entertain" with the portmanteau "entergage", and restores Garfield's original last-panel dialogue.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
In 2019, I had the thrill of attending the grand opening of the local GarfieldEATS restaurant in Toronto. In 2020, thanks to COVID and other pandemic-fueled shenanigans, it closed its storefront, and now delivers its delicious (no joke, they're my favorite) lasagnas around Ontario, albeit in a frozen state.
The whole thing inspired this strip. Or rather, strips. The first one came to me when I realized that the main purpose was to feed the fans/customers, so a quick swap of the punchline worked. Then I remembered the restaurant was also all about "entergaging" customers with Garfield cartoons and games via an app, so I quickly made up a second version. (My wife prefers the first.)
Version 2 transcript:
Nathen: Hi, there... I'm Nathen Mazri. I'm an entrepreneur, and this is my cat, Garfield.
Garfield: Hi, there. I'm Garfield. I'm a cat, and this is my entrepreneur, Nathen.
Nathen: Our only thought is to entergage you.
Garfield: Feed me.
Original strip: 1978-06-19.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Nathen: Hi, there... I'm Nathen Mazri. I'm an entrepreneur, and this is my cat, Garfield.
Garfield: Hi, there. I'm Garfield. I'm a cat, and this is my entrepreneur, Nathen.
Nathen: Our only thought is to feed you.
Garfield: Entertain me.