460: Garfield Miley Cyrus Garfield

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Garfield Miley Cyrus Garfield
Made by: David Morgan-Mar

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Another entry in the "Constantly changing"/Garfield turns into something that sounds a little bit like "minus"/"pudding pops" meme, this strip does nothing to deviate from the formula.

In this case, Garfield changes into Miley Cyrus, a daughter of singer Billy Ray Cyrus and a singer in her own right. She is also known for playing Miley Stewart in the "Hannah Montana" television and movie series.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Sorry. It had to be done.

Original strip: 2001-11-28.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: {reading newspaper while Garfield sits nearby} The world is constantly changing.
{Garfield is replaced by Miley Cyrus.}
Garfield: {reappearing} They haven't stopped making frozen pudding pops, have they?