48: Garfield Minus Jon

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Garfield Minus Jon
Made by: Johan Tenge

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, the "psycho" was a cat Jon had back on the farm who caught rats. Here, Garfield's remark seems to be an explanation for why Jon is nowhere around.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Original strip: 2001-10-13.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Garfield looking bored}
{Garfield looking bored}
Garfield: I don't hang with psychos.

Later references[edit | edit source]

  • #53 removes Jon from a different strip.
  • #77 removes Garfield, too, leaving only Odie.
  • #79 takes two strips with Jon in them, removes Jon, and combines them.
  • #84 replaces Jon with Calvin, but the "minus Jon"ness remains in the title.
  • #152 claims to have removed several characters explicitly, including Jon. (The only character removed from its original strip was Garfield, however.)
  • #160 removes Jon from its original strip and divides Garfield by himself.
  • #363 removes Jon, and additionally, Garfield's thought bubble.
  • #494 removes Jon, his father, and Garfield from their original strip, leaving only Doc Boy.
  • Similar to #84, #502 replaces Jon with Dr. Eggman, but the title has "minus Jon" in it.
  • In a twist, #1840 "removes" Jon's mother (though she wasn't present in the strip) by making Jon the knitter of the sweater instead of her.