4930: Jon and Don
Jon and Don |
Made by: Luke99 |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This strip replaces Lyman with Don Lemon, suggesting that Mr. Lemon getting a job at CNN would explain disappearing from the Garfield scene. Don Lemon Tonight, which ran from 2014 to 2023, was still running at the time this strip ran.
Interestingly, the choice of original strip plays nice with the actual histories of Garfield and CNN, as the original strip is indeed older than CNN; the first Garfield strip ran roughly a half-month short of two years prior to CNN's first sign-on. Although Don Lemon is a personality from decades into CNN's run, this remix plays nice with certain theories about Lyman's disappearance from the Garfield strip.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
What if CNN anchorman Don Lemon spent a few years as Jon's roommate? Him getting a job at CNN would explain why he disappears from the comic strip.
Original strip: 1978-09-09.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
{Jon and Don Lemon have a friendly chat}
Jon: What are you doing tonight, Lemon?
Don Lemon: I'm gonna catch the new flick down at the bijou.
Don Lemon: It's about this kid who puts a tack in his teacher's chair and she sits on it.
Jon: Not much of a plot.
Don Lemon: I suppose not. But I still enjoy the movies where the boy gets the girl in the end.