4933: Garfield in 2053: Consume

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Garfield in 2053: Consume
Made by: BiIvaMunner

Explanation[edit | edit source]

This strip uses the typical "Garfield in 2053" panel setup with the author's notes attempting to continue the "story" surrounding the hypothetical setup, but this time has two panels blank and the third running an advertisement for Garfield merchandise, specifically mugs (a technology that's been around a long time already) and brain jars (futuristic sci-fi technology), on the garfield.com website.

This strip, however, presumably ended up falling into the Failed Future Forecast trope before it even ran by assuming garfield.com would still be running in the same fashion in the 2053 timeframe as it had prior to the middle of 2020. Although this strip first ran in November 2022, given the nature of the "Garfield in 2053" gag and the general length of the strip queue, the possibility of this strip being submitted prior to Viacom's takedown of garfield.com in August 2020 is very likely and thus invoking this trope; if this strip was actually created after the August 2020 timeframe, this strip would assume that garfield.com would reactivate at some point between submission and the 2053 timeframe.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Paws, Inc. has been running their non-Jim show for about eight months now. It's working so far, but it's taking a lot of work to look through old strips to reuse. Eventually, the strips get so cold-hearted and soulless that the comic gradually just becomes advertising for the Garfield brand instead of an actual comic strip. But Garfield's still there, so the public keeps reading.

BTW, "brain-jars" was included due to the hypothetical setting of 2053. They actually tried to get Jim Davis's brain-jar to write some comics, but it didn't work out too well.

Original strip: 2013-01-17.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{silence for two panels as Garfield looks at the camera}
{An ad pops up on the third panel; Garfield remains the same}
Paws, Inc.: New Garfield merch! Garfield mugs and brain-jars available on sale at garfield.com. Buy now!