4983: Andrew Garfield 5: J. K. Simmons Edition
Andrew Garfield 5: J. K. Simmons Edition |
Made by: Luke99 |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
Do you know how hard I searched for an image of Jon reading a newspaper? Out of the thousands of published Garfield strips, there are not many strips devoted to reading the newspaper - and this is a newspaper comic strip! About a newspaper comic strip artist! Good grief, you would think newspaper reading would be more pervasive, but nope! I wasn't asking for much, just ONE PICTURE OF JON ARBUCKLE READING A NEWSPAPER! Just ONE! That's all I needed to establish the gag! I kept clicking that random button in the hopes of turning one up and finally I got my Holy Grail! A picture of Jon Arbuckle reading a newspaper for the sole purpose of making my little gag! Honestly, there has to be an easier way of finding a single solitary picture of Jon Arbuckle reading a newspaper than that, something obvious, something that really stands out, something genuinely meme-worthy. Eh, whatever, rant over, I hope you all enjoyed the strip.
Stupid picture of Jon reading a newspaper.
J. Jonah Jameson portrayed by J. K. Simmons.
Image of Spider-Man by Todd McFarlane.
Original strip: 2000-08-29.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Jon {reading the Daily Bugle}: Good grief, the abuse this rag heaps on Spider-Man!
Jon: Yanno what? I'm gonna write a letter to the publisher!
Jon: I'll wow him with my sterling wit!
{beat as J. Jonah Jameson peruses Jon's correspondence}
JJJ: Are you serious???