5065: The World's Funniest Punchline Swap

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The World's Funniest Punchline Swap

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

There are many tried-and-true formulas for making SRoMG comics. Pudding Pops, Face Blenders, Horror Theaters, Linguistical Lizzes, Subtle Recontextualizations, Beat Panels, and, of course, Punchline Swaps. But none of these formulas has had a single, superlative, funnier-than-all-the-rest comic. (Except maybe the Pudding Pops one - I've never seen The Terminator but the conclusion to that was pretty amazing.)

That is, until now.

I've found the perfect punchline swap. Just by swapping a pair of pretty punchlines, I have created a pair of comics funnier than every other comic on this website COMBINED. It took many years of experimentation and comic searching but, sure enough, there it was, right in front of my eyes.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if SRoMG just ended with this comic. It is the SUPERLATIVE funny, and I bet the website is honored to be the host of the last funny thing to ever grace the world.

Oh, and happy April 1. It's my favorite time of year. Don't you agree?

Original strips: 1991-03-02, 2016-02-24.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon {timidly}: Uh, Garfield, I have some bad news for you
Garfield: Go on...
Jon {nervously}: We're out of cat food
Garfield {with a smile and a dismissive hand gesture}: Oh, that's all right
Jon: My, you're taking it well
Garfield: I ate your dinner

{Garfield waits at the fence}
{Garfield waits at the fence}
Arlene {entering}: How do you like it when I'm late for a date?
Garfield: I ate your dinner