5074: And On The Third Day, His Alibi Ran Out...

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And On The Third Day, His Alibi Ran Out...
Made by: Lubaf

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Father, forgive me if I have sinned by creating this comic. Audience, forgive me if I have committed an unpardonable stupidity by doing so as well. (And if you're wondering how the episode ended, it turned out to be that Judas guy played by Gavin MacLeod.)

Original strip: 2022-09-01.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

TV: Mr Of Nazareth, can you tell the jury where you were exactly you were that Friday evening?
TV: I was dead in my tomb.
TV: And how about that Saturday morning?
TV: Still dead.
TV: And how about that Saturday night?
TV: Still dead.
TV: We will return to "Bible Court" in a few minutes.
Garfield: Well, that removes that Jesus guy as a suspect!