5087: Liztrot

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Made by: Sloublues

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I check in on a week's worth of Garfield for the first time in forever and I'm hit with a wall of LAME.

Foxtrot took care of all the "woman inflicts tofu on a household" jokes way back in the '90s. This adds nothing besides a mildly amusing app name. Does Liz seriously think Garfield will approve of tofu? Does any reader? Is this a thing among millennials or zoomers, where people presume to add apps to their significant others' phones? The writer seriously couldn't come up with anything wackier for the second or third panels?

Original Foxtrot strip: 2021-07-11.

Original strip: 2021-09-10.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Andy Fox: Garfield, I downloaded an app to Jon's phone... "Tofu To You"!
Andy Fox: With the push of a button, you get tofu delivered!
Andy Fox: What do you think?
{Garfield, unimpressed, presses the screen}