5176: Find Out What It Means To Me

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Find Out What It Means To Me
Made by: Sloublues

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I was startled when #4596 used an unfamiliar panel of Jon saying "respect", so here are all the panels I could find where Jon specifically desires respect from his cat (and perhaps his dog). Whatever strip I expected didn't turn up in this search, so there are plenty more out there where Jon just wants Garfield to take him seriously.

Original strips: 1985-01-04, 1987-07-16, 1991-02-05, 1991-03-14, 1994-04-01, 1999-02-04, 1999-04-07, 1999-08-02, 2002-04-18, 2002-10-06, 2005-01-02, 2013-09-02.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: I don't get no respect
Odie: Harf! Harf! Harf!
Garfield: Wah! Ha! Ha!
Jon: Good heavens, you really ARE listening to me. Could it be you're starting to respect me?
Jon: From now on, I expect to get a little respect around here! Can you remember that?!
Jon: Sometimes I get the feeling you don't respect me
Garfield: Really?
Jon: I want to speak to you about the lack of respect you
Garfield: Second's up
Jon: You don't respect me one teensy bit
Jon: You know, there are times when I honestly feel you don't respect me
Jon: Respect is an important part of a pet-owner relationship, Garfield
Jon: And let's not forget disrespectful
Garfield: My personal favorite
Jon: WHY don't you show me any respect?
Garfield: I do... bonehead
Jon: But do you respect me?
Jon: I would appreciate a little respect

Trivia[edit | edit source]

The non-existent date 0000-00-00 was initially credited in error in addition to the actual date credits; the erroneous credit has since been removed.