5258: 'Jon did WHAT?'

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'Jon did WHAT?'
Made by: Linguanaut

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I saw today's SRoMG strip (#4905) and was surprised by the original strip more than the remix. Jon videotaped his date? That's not kooky cartoon antics, that's a 1980s horror movie.

So I decided to make it worse, of course. Or at least more contemporary. Garfield is taken aback, because although this is still weird, it's also something that real people have really done. In front of an audience. And everyone involved saw it as a fun entertainment activity. Welcome to the 21st century! Everything's a little bit strange, now; maybe things have always been a bit strange, but this is at least a new way for them to be strange in.

Bonus strip: I also made one where Jon's date's emoji spam is in-frame for the last panel. I had to do several versions of this, because each time I just grabbed a bunch of well-known emojis, and the first few looked decidedly less-than-PG, thanks to how people like to use these things.

5258 1.png

Stream chat:

Original strip: 2000-10-20.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon and Garfield are sitting at a TV screen; Jon looks enthused}
Jon: I did something unusual last night, Garfield
{Jon turns on the screen with a 'Click!'}
Jon: I livestreamed my entire date!
Jon {now less enthused}: She spammed chat all evening
Garfield {eyes wide with horror}: WHAT