5342: T-Balloon!

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Made by: SpiroSpiro

Explanation[edit | edit source]

Same as SRoMG #5015, but the third panel (aka the beat panel) was removed. After the balloon smiles at Jon, a panel from July 12, 2011 strip (which is big letters "BOOM" in a blue background panel) was used, showing the balloon explodes like a bomb, and then followed by an empty white panel, implying that balloon has blown up everything.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

I'm bored and saw SRoMG #5015 so I made this. You can say that the balloon has been "blown up" literally!

Original strips: 1999-03-24, 1999-12-25, 2011-07-12.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Hmm hmm
{Jon turns around and looks at a balloon with his face drawn on it}
{The balloon smiles, causing Jon to open his eyes wide}
{Big letters "BOOM" in a blue background panel}
{Empty white panel}