5348: Even more confusing machine

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Even more confusing machine
Made by: Matronammfly

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The answer, of course, is 324.

Original strip: 2019-02-03.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{title panel showing a fridge with magnets made to look like cutesy versions of Garfield, Odie, and Arlene}
{Comic Proper}
{Jon and Garfield are at the store, paying for a bag of Cheese Doodles at the credit card machine}
Machine: Please swipe your card.
{Jon does so}
Machine: Would you like to donate a dollar to charity today?
{Jon presses an unseen button, meaning we'll never know what he hit; Garfield gets frustrated}
Machine: Enter PIN.
{Garfield gets angrier; Jon presses some buttons, most likely numbers, and we can't see them, so we won't be able to find out his PIN - smart actions, Jon}
{both Jon and Garfield are now grouchy}
Machine: Your total is $3.24. Is this correct?
{Jon presses a button; we still can't see what it is}
Machine: I am a number that can be divided by 9. But if you add 9 to me, I become a prime. I have three digits that are all the same. But if you reverse me, I am not the same. What number am I?
{Jon looks surprised while Garfield angrily stares at us}
Garfield: DON'T WE ALL?!!