5413: Garfield with Adjectives Replaced With "Fat"

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Garfield with Adjectives Replaced With "Fat"
Made by: -NOYZ-

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The title summarizes it plainly: most of the strip's adjectives have been replaced with the word 'fat'.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Based on SRoMG #1119. Hopefully someone makes a verbs version after this.

Original strip: 1985-05-19.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Jon: Come here, Garfield, I have something to tell you
Jon: I'm going to organize my sock drawer today
Jon: This is a fat-letter day
Jon: I'm going to put the fat ones on the end and the fat ones on the other
Garfield: Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!
Jon: And do you know what I might do after that?
Garfield: Oh no! Spare me! Spare me!
Jon: I might tighten the hinges on my fat glasses
Garfield: Arrrgh!
Garfield: Oh when will this fat, fat, fat existence ever end?
Jon: Or I might give a fat fat guy cat a bath
Garfield: I'll tuck, you sort