5417: Garfield Zone Act 1
Garfield Zone Act 1 |
![]() Made by: Captain Lhurgoyf |
Explanation[edit | edit source]
This strip switches out the in-line skates from the original Garfield strip with the Power Sneakers from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, but with the action staying almost the same: Garfield still ends up crashing into the tree, Odie still ends up crashing into the birdbath. Jon still ran through the bushes, but he has been edited to have disappeared from sight without a scream. The title panel has been done in the style of a zone and act card from the original Sonic the Hedgehog to punctuate the reference.
This strip attempts to invoke the Clothes Make The Superman trope by implying the shoes will give the characters supersonic speed. The Power Sneakers are, in fact, a powerup item that temporarily boosts Sonic's already fast top speed even further; while such a result may justify this strip's outcome, given Jon has indeed traveled farther than in the original Garfield strip, Sonic's normal speed usually does not rely on his footwear, something on display in Sonic Adventure 2 in which he wore a different set of shoes from normal and was no less of a speed demon than normal (and the Power Sneakers powerup did appear in that game). Sonic did get slowed down by footwear in the spin-off game Sonic Labyrinth, but in that case the footwear was specially designed to hinder its wearer's mobility; that footwear would probably have seen all three of Garfield, Jon, and Odie also not have moved as far as they did in either this strip or the original Garfield strip.
Garfield's final line in this strip makes mention of the "Warp of Confusion". This is an alternate dimension that appeared in the television series Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog drawing its basis off the Special Stages from the original Sonic the Hedgehog video game; although such terminology was also used in Western supplemental material of the same time period, the term "Warp of Confusion" was never used in the games themselves, and even if they had would have been stricken from continuity when the games started using common lore anchored by the original Japanese continuity from Sonic Adventure onward.
The author writes:[edit | edit source]
Garfield got past Zone 1.
Original strip: 1995-06-04.
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Title panel: Garfield Zone Act 1
{Jon sits on the park bench with Garfield and Odie. Three women of complementary species pass by}
Jon: Hey, guys! Look at the chicks!
Jon: I have just the thing to impress them
{Jon holds up a pair of Sonic the Hedgehog's Power Sneakers}
Jon: Power Sneakers!
{Jon, Garfield and Odie have donned the footwear and are winding up to run}
Jon: Get ready to meet your destiny... Let's go!
{Garfield has crashed into a tree, Odie into a birdbath, and Jon has disappeared into the distance}
Garfield: I believe Jon has gone to the Warp of Confusion