5423: Mighty Kongfield

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Mighty Kongfield
Made by: Dr. Manny

Explanation[edit | edit source]

In the original strip, King Kong survived his fall from the Empire State Building thanks to his protective headgear. This edit rewrites the final line spoken on TV to instead reference The Mighty Kong, which sanitizes the original King Kong story for a younger audience, including using the Spared by the Adaptation trope near the end and adding musical numbers. Jodi Benson voiced Ann Darrow, and Dudley More voiced both Carl Denham and the uncredited voice of King Kong himself.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

The Mighty Kong is a 1998 animated musical adaptation of the classic King Kong story, which somehow managed to rope Jodi Benson and the late Dudley Moore into its cast. Trust me, that is but the tip of the iceberg.

Original strip: 2015-08-06.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

TV: King Kong has fallen from the Empire State Building!
TV: But look! He isn't hurt!
TV: Because, kids, he's gotta sing!
Garfield: Must they ruin everything?!