5468: How Ol' Gnorm Met His Doom

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How Ol' Gnorm Met His Doom
Made by: Trevor

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author's notes tend to explain the core premise of this strip. This strip's author essentially portrayed the product as a fully absorbed finale to Gnorm Gnat within the Garfield mythos, and did so mostly in line with Jim Davis's errant recollection of how Gnorm Gnat proper ended.

No link to the Gnorm Gnat strip is listed; this may have been due to the author either failing to provide a link or a link getting stripped out between submission and publishing (5433: When Jon Really Met Liz is a similar example to the latter possibility, having had a link attached to a credit to a Jon strip get lost in transition). The Gnorm Gnat strip in question has been collected on the Garfield wiki on Fandom here.

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Essentially my version of how ol' Gnorm met his doom. See, Jim claimed for years he ended his first strip Gnorm Gnat by having a giant human foot fall out of the sky, killing that gnat. Obviously we know that wasn't how it ended. My guess is that he wanted to tell a more interesting story than Gnorm thanking Pendleton next to a "Merry Christmas" message. But I digress.

Also, I started this strip months ago (March 6) but kinda lost interest in it. Only just now (September 18 [2022 -Ed]) did I decide to finish it.

Original Gnorm Gnat strip: 1973-03-22.

Original strips: 2002-07-21, 2016-10-25.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Nine different ideas for Garfield plush dolls—er, I mean, uh, nine different Garfields, with a square root sign and a minus sign tacked on}
{Cut to that Muncie-born blimp-turned-basketball of a cat on a table outside}
Jon: Dinnertime!
{Jonny boy brings in a glass}
Jon: Who wants a nice, refreshing glass of lukewarm tap water? {As if Odie were in here right now}
{Jon freaks out at an ungodly creature}
Jon: Yaaah! A gnat! A gnat! A gnat!
{Closeup of that ungodly creature—oh, it’s just Gnorm. Never mind then}
Gnorm: Hark! Do my ears deceive me or is there a scaredy—{Look out!}
{Oh my Jim, Garfield killed Gnorm! You BLEEP!}
Garfield: No one can relate to bugs {Unless you're reading The Far Side}
{Cut to our Holy Almighty Creator on his drawing table, as if he even draws the comics anymore}
Our Holy Almighty Creator {getting kinda old, wouldn’t you say? (sighs) Alright, fine} Jock Ewing: Ain't I a stinker? {Yes. Yes you are.}
{And I'm totally not trying to cram as many shout-outs here right now. Honest! (nose grows with slide whistle noise)}