5547: Felix as Garfield

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Felix as Garfield
Made by: garfieldXDjonXDodie

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

No I didn't mean Felix the Cat, I meant the repairman. That Tapper's scene in the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet, especially the exchange between Fix-It Felix and Wreck-It Ralph, sort of screams, average Garfield layout! I changed the punchline a bit, considering what happened to Felix at the beginning of RBTI. I love Fix-It Felix so much, that is why I decided to make him a star of this submission.

Original strip: 2024-01-15.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{A sullen Fix-It Felix is at a bar, with a covered root beer mug next to him. Several customers are preparing to drink mugs of root beer behind Felix; however they are not moving at all in the entire strip}
Felix: Mondays...
Felix: There's one in every single week, 52 times a year
Felix: Seems a bit stressful to me