5579: Who The Flip Nose

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Who The Flip Nose
Made by: wye

Explanation[edit | edit source]

The author writes:[edit | edit source]

Inspired by (at the time) recent submissions.

Original strip: 2024-03-08.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

{Jon's and Liz's noses have been rotated - now the pointy end is on the bottom, and instead of the bridge of the nose being implied and the philtrum (?) being drawn, it's the other way round}
Jon: We should do something exciting!
Liz: Okay!
Jon: How about a game of checkers?
Liz: Whoa!
Garfield: That's just crazy!
Jon: I'm sensing sarcasm here
Liz: Who is this wild man?
Garfield: He's the Funmeister!